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.: South America

Sea Temperatures in South America

Water temperatures in South America and other information about traveling to South America.
Sea temperatures for 150 travel destinations and 12 countries on continent South America. The average temperature in South America is 21.1°C. The highest current temperature on the continent according to our data, is in San Andres (Colombia) where water has 29.8 degrees celsius. On the other hand the lowest temperature is in Pisco (Peru) where water has 19.5 degrees celsius. This means the difference between the warmest (San Andres) and coldest (Pisco) place in South America is 10.3 degrees celsius.
At the moment the warmest country in South America is Colombia where current average water temperature is 29.6°C. The coldest country is Falkland Islands with 5°C.
Current average water temperature: 10.2°C
Max: -99°C
Min: 99°C
Current average water temperature: 28.3°C
Max: Bridgetown 28.3°C
Min: Bridgetown 28.3°C
Current average water temperature: 22.6°C
Max: Trindade 24°C
Min: Caravelas 22.4°C
Current average water temperature: 18°C
Max: -99°C
Min: 99°C
Current average water temperature: 29.6°C
Max: San Andres 29.8°C
Min: Barranquilla 29.5°C
Current average water temperature: 26.2°C
Max: Pampanal de Bolivar 26.8°C
Min: Salinas 26°C
Falkland Islands
Current average water temperature: 5°C
Max: -99°C
Min: 99°C
Netherlands Antilles
Current average water temperature: 28.3°C
Max: St Eustatius 28.6°C
Min: Aruba 28°C
Current average water temperature: 23.2°C
Max: Talara 26.2°C
Min: Pisco 19.5°C
South Orkney Islands
Current average water temperature: 5°C
Max: -99°C
Min: 99°C
Trinidad and Tobago
Current average water temperature: 28.6°C
Max: Port of Spain 28.7°C
Min: Tobago 28.6°C
Current average water temperature: 28.5°C
Max: Barcelona 28.7°C
Min: Caracas 28.2°C
New Locations in South America