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.: Europe / Germany / Wangerooge

Sea Temperature in Wangerooge 19.5°C

Water temperature and other travel information for Wangerooge, Germany.

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Water temperatures at location Wangerooge for the period from to .


Water temperature in Wangerooge on Wednesday 24th April is 19.5 degrees celsius which is 43th warmest location in Germany. The warmest water in Germany is in Usedom where sea surface has 21.3°C. This means water is 1.8 degrees colder than in Usedom.
Among 781 towns in continent Europe, Wangerooge has 506th warmest water. The warmest in continent is Koper (Slovenia) with 28.9 degrees celsius.
54 percentage of locations in the world has higher temperature at the moment.
In the last month highest measured temperature in Wangerooge was 19.7°C and the lowest temperature was 13.5°C. Average temperature in the last month was 16.7°C.
In longer period of time the highest measured temperature was 20.2°C and the lowest measured temperature was 2°C.
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